The benefits of one-on-one physical therapy

If you’re frustrated with the lack of results that you’re getting in a more traditional physical therapy clinic where your physical therapist is constantly juggling 3-4 patients in an hour then you might be excited to hear that there are more options.

Let’s face it…

If you’re an athlete that wants to see a sports physical therapist then you want a provider that will spend more time analyzing your movements. You’re not going to get better when you only get five minutes of undivided attention before you get passed onto an assistant that watches you do the same stretches and set of exercises you’ve had for the past few months.

At our physical therapy clinics in SoHo and Long Island City, we offer one-on-one physical therapy to help you get back to doing the things that you love.

Here are some of the benefits you will get from one-on-one physical therapy:

  1. Peace of mind knowing that you will not be rushed

  2. Time to tell your full story when being evaluated

  3. Ability to have all of your questions answered

  4. Full hour with your sports physical therapist coaching you every step of the way

  5. Custom program tailored to your specific needs

  6. Fewer distractions, quality time, and unparalleled attention to detail

  7. And more!

The biggest ability to provide physical therapy in a one-on-one manner allows us to utilize our skills as movement professionals. It’s impossible to provide the right cues, adjust technique, modify exercises, and provide quality manual therapy if we are seeing multiple people at the same time.

If a lot of these statements resonate with you then you understand what it feels like to be part of a factory. The physical therapist goes from table to table to provide quick hands-on treatment, nothing is ever individualized, there’s not enough time to educate, and you do the same exact program on repeat despite the fact that you’re not even seeing any marginal improvement!

Are you wondering if our model of physical therapy can help you get back to doing what you love?

Schedule your free discovery call here!


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