Three ways we approach chronic pain at Moment PTP

Chronic pain is an incredibly frustrating thing and it often times, is a process you must work through. You’ve been to multiple doctors, PTs, specialists, etc., and find yourself continuing to have more questions than answers. No matter what you do you seem to end up in the same pain cycle and don’t know how to get out of it.

We hear stories like this very often hear at Moment PTP and find ourselves guiding the people of those stories through their life in order ultimately, to get out of pain. Below are a few of the ways in which we approach your chronic pain to put you in the best position possible to overcome these issues and get back to living your life to the fullest.

Understand Your Story 

If you’ve read our previous blogs you’ve seen topics discussed that relate to how you are not your diagnosis and how we individualize the rehab process (Four ways your PT can help you with your rehab). When working together to address chronic pain it's important that you and your therapist are on the same page in terms of what led you to seek out our help. Initially, by better understanding your story and the situation that led you to this state of chronic pain, we can help connect the pieces for you to begin to address your issues. 

Chronic pain soho physical therapy

Safely Reintroduce Movement

Often times, chronic pain comes with fear - fear of movement, fear of activities - which creates a tendency to avoid moving in certain ways. Even if there isn’t an acute or new injury, your body can still send out pain signals as a way to protect areas that were previously recovering from an injury. Based on your story and assessment we start to reintroduce movements in a safe and pain-free way to tell your body it’s okay to perform these activities without sending pain signals. Over time we progress those same movements to help you return to the things you once avoided because of the pain.

Recovery soho physical therapy

Provide You Long Term Management Strategies

As you go through the process of addressing your chronic pain, you may run into situations where your symptoms return. Built into our process, we provide you with specific strategies or go-to exercises that can help you return to baseline so you can continue to make progress. This puts the power in your hands to allow you to manage issues that may arise and set you up for long-term success.

While going through this process is not easy, we are here to help you along the way to get you back to the activities you love. Curious to learn more about how we can help or what this looks like in more detail? Book a discovery call with one of our therapists through the link below. 


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